TCIFA Announces Men’s Beach Soccer National Team BeachDrew ScrymgeourFebruary 21, 2017beach football, beach soccer, tcifa, turks and caicos islands, football, Mens football, concacaf
Candace Hanchell graduates from FIFA’s Female Leadership Development Programme WomensDrew ScrymgeourFebruary 16, 2017turks and caicos islands, tcifa, football, womens football, soccer, charityComment
Charlie Flowe joins forces with the Philadelphia football community to supply gear for TCIFA youth programmes YouthDrew ScrymgeourFebruary 10, 2017tcifa, turks and caicos islands, youth development, football, soccer, charity, donationsComment
TCIFA takes Weston, Florida in the 2017 Weston Cup & Showcase YouthDrew ScrymgeourFebruary 8, 2017youth development, tcifa, football, weston cup, soccer, turks and caicos islandsComment
2017 Spring College Identification Camp & Showcase Youth, Mens, WomensTCIFAJanuary 30, 2017soccer, turks and caicos islands, tcifa, youth developmentComment
Women's football league 2016 WomensDrew ScrymgeourJune 1, 2016turks and caicos islands, womens football, football, tcifa, soccer
CONCACAF women's football day WomensDrew ScrymgeourMay 28, 2016womens football, turks and caicos islands, soccer, football, tcifaComment
TCIFA hosts first FIFA Grassroots course and festival on Grand Turk YouthDrew ScrymgeourMay 26, 2016tcifa, turks and caicos islands, youth development, football, soccerComment
Player of the day! YouthDrew ScrymgeourApril 25, 2016tcifa, turks and caicos islands, soccer, youth developmentComment
Jeff Beljour to attend the Florida Kraze Krush (FKK) college ID camp MensDrew ScrymgeourFebruary 23, 2016football, tcifa, soccer, turks and caicos islands, Mens footballComment
TCIFA players to attend college showcase tournament MensDrew ScrymgeourFebruary 11, 2016tcifa, turks and caicos islands, football, Mens football, soccer, youth developmentComment
TCIFA teams in President's weekend tournament: February 12th - 16th, 2016 YouthDrew ScrymgeourFebruary 9, 2016tcifa, turks and caicos islands, youth development, soccer, football Comment
Shinaydine Pluviose is the 7th player to benefit from football scholarship WomensDrew ScrymgeourJanuary 16, 2016soccer, turks and caicos islands, womens football, tcifa, football, youth developmentComment
Masters League 2015 MensDrew ScrymgeourNovember 26, 2015football, tcifa, Mens football, soccer, turks and caicos islandsComment
TCIFA to commence 4th annual beach soccer league BeachDrew ScrymgeourOctober 29, 2014tcifa, turks and caicos islands, beach football, beach soccer Comment
TCIFA hosted CONCACAF beach soccer coaching coarse BeachDrew ScrymgeourOctober 1, 2014beach football, turks and caicos islands, tcifa, beach soccerComment