Football Returns Amid Covid-19 Pandemic
Mens, Womens, YouthTCIFAwomen's national team, men's national team, TCIFA, tcifa national academy, soccer, football, Sonia Fulford, turks and caicos islands, turks and caicos islands football association, COVID-19, Coronavirus
Concacaf 2022 World Cup Qatar Qualifiers Draw Results
UEFA Assist Donates 29-Seater Toyota Coaster Bus To TCIFA
New Chairs For TCIFA’s Provo Premier (Men’s) League and Women’s Football League
Mens, WomensTCIFAprovo premier league, womens football, women's football league, tcifa, tcifa national academy, Providenciales, turks and caicos islands, soccer, football, Mens football, Victor Lowe, Lisa Garland, Sonia Fulford
Phased Reopening For Football
Youth, Womens, Mens, BeachTCIFACOVID-19, Coronavirus, turks and caicos islands, turks and caicos islands football association, concacaf, FIFA, sonia fulford, football, soccer, Reopening, tcifa, tcifa national academy, Youth Football, youth development, men's national team, women's national team, Boys U15, cfu girls u14
TCIFA’s 2nd Vice-President, Candace Hanchell, Departs Office, and Resigns as President Of The Women’s Football League
Steven Kendrew Steps Down After 9 Year Reign As President Of The PPL
Paying It Forward
Continuing Coaching Education Amidst Covid-19 Lockdowns and Physical Distancing
Youth, Womens, MensTCIFASwedish Football Association, tcifa, football, soccer, Coaching Course, Providenciales, turks and caicos islands, turks and caicos islands football association
Postponement of USVISA Invitational Women’s Tournament – St. Croix, USVI, April 5th – 13th 2020
TCIFA Temporarily Suspends Programmes And Leagues Amid COVID-19 Crisis
Boys U14 and Girls U15 Teams represent TCIFA In The Weston Cup & Showcase 2020
Swedish Football Association To Provide Coaching Education In Collaboration With TCIFA Through UEFA Assist- UEFA Member Association Support
Youth, Womens, MensTCIFAyouth development, Swedish Football Association, Uefa Assist, Uefa Member Association Support, tcifa, tcifa national academy, turks and caicos islands, football, Mens football, womens football
Global Capital Ltd. Named Title Sponsor of The 2020 Masters League
FortisTCI and TCIFA Announce Expanded Sponsorship of Youth Football and Introduce Elite Youth League
YouthTCIFAyouth, youth development, Youth Football, FortisTCI, Fortis Youth league, tcifa, tcifa national academy, Eddison Powell, sonia fulford, grassroots development, Providenciales
TCI Children and Coaches Sharpen Skills with Real Madrid Foundation Football Clinics
TCIFA’s Coach Shavar Thomas And Player Jepthe Francois Invited To MLS Caribbean Combine
U10 and U12 InterIsland Football Festivals Results
YouthTCIFAinter-island, Providenciales, turks and caicos islands, turks and caicos islands football association, tcifa national academy, tcifa, Football Festival, scotiabank, D&B Auto Ltd, D&B Auto, coca-cola, t&c refreshments